I'll be wearing my "Who Made ME the Expert?" cap Sunday, March 27 at the 2:20 p.m. session of WAG (Writers Alliance of Gainesville) at the Millhopper Public Library (Google it) to give my take on How-To: Get a manuscript from a computer file into Electronic Print.
Not quite a case of "the blind leading the blind", I have a couple of things "in print" (see my earlier blogs) but I was too slow stepping back when a "volunteer" was called for!
IF you're in the Gainesville neighborhood this next weekend, don't fancy any of the games on telly and have an opus itching to get into print, stop on by. And if you're a computer geek with PUBIT or SMASHWORDS savvy - HELP!!!
ps: You can also Google The WAG Digest to eyeball the monthly newsletter and features.
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